Monday, November 10, 2008

Peace Be Upon Us

Islamic and Arabic traditions have long been part of American culture.

Reviewed by Paul M. Barrett
Sunday, November 9, 2008; Page BW02


Travels Through America's Arab and Islamic Roots

By Jonathan Curiel

It was a rough election season for American Arabs and Muslims. The McCain-Palin ticket shamelessly amplified the Internet smear that Barak Obama is a crypto-Islamic fanatic who fraternizes with terrorists. Obama responded by insisting, persuasively, on his credentials as an observant Christian. But in the process, he did little to point out the inherent bigotry in the Republican strategy Colin Powell, during his televised endorsement of Obama, eloquently challenged the assumption that Arabs and Muslims deserve to be held at arm's length. But the former secretary of state couldn't single-handedly do much to change the perception of these groups as a political liability.

Jonathan Curiel intends his book Al' America as an antidote to the fear. Ignorance, unsurprisingly, lies at the heart of it. Start with basic demographics: Most Arab-Americans are Christian, not Muslim, and most American Muslims are not Arab. Private surveys show that the largest segment of the American Muslim population -- about one-third -- traces its roots to South Asia, primarily Pakistan and India. Arabs make up only about a quarter of the Muslims in this country; African Americans, mostly converts and their children, another fifth.

Muslims in America are more varied in background and outlook than their non-Muslim neighbors realize and in many cases have been in the United States longer than is generally understood. Two-thirds of Muslims here are immigrants. Fully one-third are American-born and -schooled. The U.S. Census doesn't count by religion, so there is no reliable Muslim headcount. Private surveys yield estimates ranging from 2.4 million to 6 million.

Curiel, a veteran reporter for the San Francisco Chronicle, focuses not so much on the personal stories or sociology of Muslims and Arabs in America as he does on the myriad aspects of American culture that have been influenced by them. His message: When transplanted to American shores, Middle Eastern culture and Islam aren't nearly so foreign or forbidding as portrayed by demagogues and politicians.

Al' America offers a quirky tour of sites, sounds and personalities that are quintessentially American and also reveal fascinating vestiges of Islamic and Arab influence. Musical stops include the Surf Sound of 1960s southern California, the Mississippi Delta blues and the startlingly spiritual confines of Elvis Presley's Graceland. The King, it turns out, kept a copy of Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet on his bedroom nightstand.

One of Curiel's most colorful excursions takes him to the fez-festooned conclaves where Shriners still greet each other by declaring, "salaam aleikum" (peace be upon you). At their apogee in the 1920s, when they had 500,000 members, the Shriners paraded through downtown Washington, D.C., were publicly hailed by presidents and drew a welcome committee of Marine Corps musicians dressed in Arab garb. Washington merchants even dressed up their storefronts as ersatz mosques. Those were different times.

Another entertaining digression takes readers to mid-19th-century Bridgeport, Conn., where circus impresario P.T. Barnum built a mansion in quasi-Islamic style and called it Iranistan. The grand house, with its pseudo-minarets, is long gone. But Iranistan Avenue survives, now pronounced "Arn-i-stan," Curiel reports with the light, bemused tone that makes the book a pleasurable read.

The author's intent here is pure; his eye for telling detail, sharp. But his analysis wavers at times, as he seems to confuse kitsch with substance. Tales of the boozy Shriners in their heyday illustrate that once, at least, some of what Sarah Palin calls "small town America" didn't consider "Arab" to be a flat-out slur. But donning a fez and calling your fraternity president a potentate doesn't demonstrate that you'd be comfortable living next door to a real live Arab.

In the wake of a bruising presidential campaign, Americans of all faiths ought to consider how to strengthen ties to their Arab and Muslim fellow citizens. Curiel's book, though short-sighted in some ways, can play a role in persuading the skeptical that Arab and Muslim traditions are already woven deeply into the American fabric. ·

Paul M. Barrett is the author of "American Islam: The Struggle for the Soul of a Religion," out in paperback this year.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

em em STIE pasundan - jalan2

Perjalanan itu penting, selain mempererat tali silahturahmi - banyak momen2 kehidupan sisi lain bisa diambil sebagai pelajaran.
Setelah peristiwa tsunami di Pangandaran, kita dapat mengetahui..betapa beratnya musibah saat itu, kini penduduk yang berada di lingkungan Pantai tersebut sudah membangun kembali kehidupan mereka, Alhamdulilah...kehidupan ini memang harus berjalan selama matahari masih terbit.
MM STIE Pasundan, minggu lalu jalan2 ke Pangandaran..meski sudah tua2, kelakuan tetap 17 tahun kebawah, Alhamdulilah..

Saturday, September 20, 2008

SANUR, RABU - Ratusan siswa dari Asia, sebagian besar asal Indonesia, yang mengikuti Asian Science Camp di Sanur, Bali, Rabu (6/8) dihadapkan pada tantangan memecahkan fenomena mistis secara logis melalui ilmu fisika. Fenomena mistis tersebut seperti kemampuan manusia melawan gravitasi dengan melayang di udara tanpa media apapun, yang ternyata bisa dijelaskan dengan ilmu pengetahuan.

Mereka disuguhkan peragaan langsung rahasia ilmu fisika melalui enam orang bermeditasi dan keenamnya kemudian bisa lompat melayang di udara walau hanya beberapa detik. Walau menghasilkan kekaguman dan hampir tidak masuk akal, ternyata semua ada penjelasan teori dan logikanya menggunakan ilmu fisika.

"Keadaan seseorang dapat melayang di udara karena mengalami yang disebut transcendental meditation (TM). Dalam tubuh mereka telah terjadi kinerja otak yang koheren, sehingga dapat melayang," ujar ahli TM Regianto. Ahli TM lainnya, I Wayan Sutrisna, menjelaskan bahwa fenomena tersebut sangat masuk akal dan dapat dijelaskan melalui teori fisika "Meissner Effect" atau teori tentang ketahanan dengan koherensi.

Dalam teori "Meisnner Effect", terbukti elektron yang disorder atau tidak beraturan dapat dengan mudah ditembus medan magnet. Sedangkan elektron yang koheren, tidak dapat ditembus medan magnet.

"Inilah mengapa pikiran yang koheren dapat menangkal energi negatif dan tubuh kita bisa melayang di udara atau Yogic Flying," katanya.

Dijelaskan, dengan TM seseorang akan memancarkan energi positif, yang secara tidak langsung merangsang zat seretonin dalam tubuh yang membantu menjadi bahagia. Dalam TM Sidi, melayangkan tubuh bukanlah tujuan utama, tetapi yang dikehendaki adalah keselarasan dalam berpikir dan kesehatan tubuh.

"Bahkan dampak positif tersebut tidak hanya dapat dirasakan orang yang bermeditasi tetapi juga oleh lingkungan sekitarnya," tambah Sutrisna pada ASC kedua yang berlangsung 6-9 Agustus 2008.

Sumber : Antara

Komentar: ini aneh sekali ya, kalau menginjak bara api sich ..masih masuk akal, yang ini kayaknya dibantu dengan jin kalee..

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jadi apa kita....nanti?????

Masih ingat lagu ini......??? :
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother
What will I be?
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

When I grew up and fell in love
I asked my sweetheart
What lies ahead?
Will we have rainbows
Day after day?
Here's what my sweetheart said:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.

Now I have children of my own.
They ask their mother,
What will I be?
Will I be handsome?
Will I be rich?
I tell them tenderly:

Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future's not ours to see.
Que sera, sera.
What will be, will be.
Que sera, sera.

Ini lagu yang inspiratif, berjuang tanpa perlu kecemasan masa depan, ini kita perlukan untuk - dengan tenang dan tekun menyiapkan diri untuk kemandirian,seperti yang telah dilakukan tetangga kita, coba simak berikut...

dikutip dari buku provokatif : Entrepreneurship dalam persprektif kondisi bangsa Indonesia,Ir.H.Moko P. Astamoen, penerbit Alfabeta - 2005

Masalahnya sekarang, bangsa kita - terutama para kaum terdidiknya, berduyun-duyun bercita-cita menjadi pegawai ( dan akhirnya berebutan jabatan...), menjadi politikus (dan akhirnya saling sikut dan korupsi...), sementara jumlah entrepreneur masih dibawah 0,5 %. Ini benar-benar gila!   Siapa yang akan memberitahu kita ???  Negara tetangga sudah mulai mentertawakan kita...
Ha...ha...ha..... (to be continued...)